
Sharing is Caring and the Real Costs of Being a Content Scrooge

The other day I was talking with an upper level manager who said his company does not publish, or give away, any of form of useful content. His reasoning was, in his own words, “we are stingy.” The scope of the discussion did not allow me to explain why this was not the right way to proceed if they plan on growing their organization. So, I would like to take this time to share the costs of being content scrooge. The truth is business is evolving. We are getting to the point that not having a content strategy in place will push you farther and farther behind.

What is a Content Scrooge?

A content scrooge is any person or organization who refuses to publish beneficial content to their audience because they:

  1. Consider their content is special (it’s not, I assure you).
  2. Feel that people should pay them or become a customer first.
  3. Have a pompous attitude towards their customers.
  4. They don’t have anything useful to publish or do not know how to create useful conent.

*Note to self: Don’t work with content scrooges unless you can see that they are willing to learn and adapt. You need them on board, if not, it could make your job harder.

Examples of Content You Shouldn’t Share

Not everyone who chooses not to share content is a content scrooge. In some cases there are things you do not want to share and we would never recommend you share them. After reading through them, think about your business and types of content that could be detrimental to your business if they got into the wrong hands. A few examples are:

  1. Specific details of proprietary systems your business uses integral to your business model.
  2. Products, systems, processes, or anything you plan to patent that has not been already.
  3. Serious HR issues, though they may seem funny or entertaining.

Why You Should Share Your Content

Besides the obvious that great content can build great links, you want your customers to trust you. People gravitate towards people and things they can trust. Why do you tell your deepest secrets to only a select group of people? Because you trust them. Why do you keep buying certain products and brands (i.e. a car, electronics, etc.)? Because you trust them. There is a quote that I strongly believe illustrates this point effectively, “It is better to be trusted than to be love.”

One example of how this translates into business is from my personal experiences. I love McDonalds. It would be accurate to say it was a large part of my childhood. The McDonalds brand just wants to see you smile, and they do a great job of it in the form of great commercials, tasty food, and a great atmosphere for kids. Unfortunately, I do not trust that their food will help keep my heart healthy because of the many studies, movies, and stomach aches I have experienced. As a result I choose to spend my money elsewhere. I would love to give them my money but because I do not trust them to help me solve my problem of only consuming healthy foods, I will not. Giving some business your hard earned money is the equivalent of saying I trust your product or service will solve my problem.  One of the easiest ways to build trust is to share your secrets. The key is to share them in terms of solving problems.

Sharing useful, problem solution type content will help you build trust with your audience and/or prospective clients. Remember, your job is to maintain that trust for the life of your customer. So for your sake I hope your product/service actually works.

Examples of Relevant Marketing Content You Can Share Today

For some people it may be hard to come up with ideas to write about. Here are a few to get you started.

  1. The How To – Any one can say they provide xyz service. Showing people how you do it, whether in video or article format, will separate you from the crowd.
  2. Quick Tip – Think of many of the problems your customers may have. Show them an everyday tip or shortcut that can make their life easier.
  3. Product Demo – It is ok to promote your products and services. Make sure there is a point. A write up about a new product launch or big clearance sale is ok every once in a while.
  4. Opinion – Your opinion or advice about a trending relevant industry topic. Show them you are an expert in your field.
  5. The Hero – Shed light on a common misconception that is held regarding your industry. A good way to find out what misconceptions people have are to think about all the questions your customers have asked. Example: If you are a personal trainer, show people why sit ups are not the best way to a slimmer waistline.

The Costs of Being a Content Scrooge

Whether you share content or share poorly made content. Here are some of the real costs withholding your content.

  1. Visitors forced to find information elsewhere.
  2. Harder to earn trust. How do customers know to believe you if you have not given them any reason to up to that point.
  3. Your business will be seen as less active and cool. Nobody likes recluses.

In closing, trust is a two way street. You should initiate it. You only share your secrets with people you trust. If you treat your customers like your closest friends they will be more inclined to reciprocate the feeling. That being said there are some secrets that I will not share with anyone or only to people who have proven to me they can keep deep secrets. In your business keep those secrets for the customers who deserve them the most, hopefully buy purchasing your products. By supplying customers with juicy pieces of relevant problem solving content you will not only help your SEO but build a strong foundation for a lasting business.

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